Please Put On Your Mask
I was asked on a Monday to complete a cover by a Thursday for a project to be released the following week. It needed to be mask-centric. I pitched a couple of hastily-scribbled ideas, and the one that the client liked was “mask inception.” The client really enjoys outer space and aliens, and because I got a bit of insight into the pre-release song and the artists behind it, I decided to go nuts with the illustration. The entity wearing the primary mask needed to be a humanoid. I suggested that her skin be pink. Diversity was important, obviously, because this is something that has an impact on every person in the country as this situation drags out. I did give cameos to a couple of friends and personal heroes, including an ex-boyfriend’s dog. Everyone else is someone invented. I wanted to include a little girl in a hanbok in memory of a good friend. The white rabbit was to hide that, uh, I didn’t draw her in the right place and because I didn’t use layers, I couldn’t move her around. It turned out to be a nice touch. The flag in the background is something that I would never do in real life because I think wearing the American flag is the most gross sign of disrespect possible to show it, especially if you’re going to be coughing on it, but as a means of unifying the figures in the image, I did it. Made sure it conformed with the national standard and everything. This was created with Procreate on my iPad. The original is 3000 x 3000 pixels at 300 dpi (just in case).